Thursday, 23 July 2009


I undertook work experience on the 26th and 27th May at the VLA lab in Bury St Edmund's.
The work experience I undertook here was very different to what I was used to and was successful in showing me a completely different side to the veterinary profession but obviously hugely important part of it.

I watched diagnostic tests done in the lab and was lucky enough to undertake some of these myself. I was able to use Agar plates and broth solutions to grow bacteria from a supplied sample and to see if any problems were present; E-Coli, Respiratory Issues and Mastitis were all found.

I was also able to watch a Ewe and Lamb post mortem from a very close proximity - enough to smell everything anyway! I watched the way that the ewe was dissected and how each piece of information provided the investigator with a way of finding out how the ewe died. The initial conclusion was asphyxiation. The lamb was suspected of dieing from lack of colostrum which it was explained to me is essential as it contains energy, protein, antibodies, minerals, vitamins and water. I was able to make slides from the ewes organs that would be used in further tests to confirm the cause of death of the ewe.

I spent a little time in the administration part of the VLA and was able to see how vital effective communication is between clients and the lab aswell as between labs. This is mirrored in how good communication is a vital part of being a vet.

I really enjoyed my time at the VLA and this has opened up a part of the proffesion I didn't know much about and spured me on into learning and finding out all about the different things I saw while at the VLA.

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